Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Critically examine the claim that notions of race have significantly Essay

Critically examine the claim that notions of race have significantly in formed the developments of socil policy - Essay Example A principal concern is analytic and normative examination of the development of welfare states". However, it is stated in (Welfare and Society) that "Social policy draws on sociology to explain the social context of welfare provision. If we are trying to improve people's welfare, it is helpful to try to understand something about the way that people are, and how welfare policies relate to their situation". Is the basic element under Social Policy which needed to make analysis on it, including it policies and much other aspect related to it. (Defining Multiculturalism, 2006.) "Multiculturalism, at its most basic essence, as it has meant to us this past year, means tolerance and understanding, if not acceptance, of other ideas and beliefs in different cultures. It means celebrating what is common in our cultural heritage and gaining genuine knowledge of what is different. It means banishing stereotypes yet working with diverse strengths". Professor Gregory Joy (2002) states that "Historically, "multiculturalism" came into wide public use during the early 1980s in the context of public school curriculum reform. Specifically, the argument was made that the content of classes in history, literature, social studies, and other areas reflected what came to be called a "Eurocentric" bias. Few if any women or people of color, or people from outside the Western European tradition, appeared prominently in the curriculums of schools in the United States. This material absence was also interpreted as a value judgment that reinforced unhealthy ethnocentric and even racist attitudes". MULTICULTURAL POLICY: Denis Ralph (1996), in National Agenda for Multicultural Australia states Policies Principles. "Cultural identity: the right of all children, students, families and employees to maintain, develop and renew, and not merely preserve, their cultural and linguistic heritage Access and equity: the right of all children, students, families and employees to equality of opportunity, ready and appropriate access to care and education services and equitable outcomes . Maximizing potential: the right of all children and students to quality education and care that provides knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to participate effectively in culturally and linguistically diverse societies on a national and international level". CRTICISM ON MULTICULTURALISM Meanwhile, despite the advantages of its policies, there is lots of criticism surrounding the implementation of multiculturalism. (Christine Ingline) mentions that "One of the strongest statements of the dangers inherent in cultural diversity is Huntington's highly contentious thesis on the clash of civilizations in which religion is argued to play a crucial role. The theoretical support for this and similar expressions of fear about the continuing threats to social cohesion posed by ethnic and cultural diversity derives from one strand of theorizing about modernity. Contrary to the earlier theories on the declining importance of ethnicity, it is argued that the contemporary processes of modernization and globalization are actively contributing to the growing importance of ethnicity and the increased significance of communitarian ties." (Christine Inglin

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